Frequently Asked Questions
Is use of the amenities included in the rent?
The amenities are complementary to all residents and their guests. They include the cinema, sundeck lounge with spa pool, cafe bar, fitness studio and pet wash station.
Are residents and their guests required to use valet?
While residents of Asteras Kings apartment residences have the flexibility to either use the valet service offered or to self-park, guests of residents must use the valet service offered.
Is the apartment building pet friendly?
Asteras Kings apartment residences is a pet friendly building.
What amenities does the apartment building have?
Asteras Kings apartment residences has a twenty-four hour attended concierge lobby, a private theater room, a heated spa pool with sundeck lounge, a rooftop terrace café and bar a fitness studio.
How quickly can I move into Asteras Kings apartment residences?
Move-ins can occur as early as 24-hours to 30-days (after the rent application has been approved and move-in requirements are satisfied), depending on the availability of the residence of interest. Please contact us to inquire.
Is the apartment building considerate of the environment?
Asteras Kings apartment residences was conceived with an approach to environmental responsibility that was catered to its unique location. It exceeds local, state, and federal energy requirements through passive environmental design. The 115 drought-tolerant trees added to the project far exceeded the planting removed for construction, resulting in a net increase of the greenscape. Over fifty percent of the yard area on all sides is permeable and all roof and site drainage is collected and processed through an onsite bio-filtration system before flowing into the municipal storm system. Further- more, the eleven-foot-deep south balcony overhangs shield the floor-to-ceil- ing glazing system and enhances the performance of the apartment building. This design strategy and the application of operable windows at all sides of each residential unit (both north and south sides and at the atriums) has deliberate control of indoor air quality by delivering natural cross-ventilation. Its minimalist open floor plan that embraces nature’s elements to create a healthy living environment were project goals that were not negotiable. The project goals resulted in a high-performing and well-functioning apartment building with a strategically nuanced yet simple approach to heathy living.

What types of concierge services does the apartment building offer?
The concierge staff at Asteras Kings apartment residences is happy to make car detailing arrangements, resident and guest valet services, dry-cleaning and laundry recommendations, fitness training recommendations, global travel arrangements, event and restaurant recommendations, personalized shopping services, move-in arrangement services, refrigerator and pantry stocking services, special event organization, and airport car services arrangements, to name a few of our most popular asks.
What makes this apartment building different from others?
Each of the 25 luxury apartment residences are unique and they are all designed in a minimalist aesthetic which is very unique for an apartment building in West Hollywood, Los Angeles. Asteras Kings apartment residences is also the only true building with a concierge available twenty-dour hours per day and seven days per week. The concierge is available to assist with a wide variety of your needs. Most other apartment buildings boast to have concierge when in fact this is more of a front-desk or security service rather than a true concierge. Visit the Amenities & Concierge section to see some of the most popular tasks the Asteras Kings concierge can assist with.